Exercise 1

Maybe it’s because of the moment of early year where there’s still so much energy to be positive and hopeful. Or maybe it’s mostly because I found myself in abundance of free time (currently unemployed) that I’d like myself to write again.

I consider using new platform, now that there are new options like Medium and Substack, but in the end I knew that it will not be wise and there will always possibilities where I stop in the middle of this.

Lately I easily envy others who can speak out their thoughts into streams of logical and analytical words and speech. I want to be like them.

Looking back to my old self, I was always having hard time to throw questions; to offer opinions over something. It was always easier to withdraw from talking more and ended up listening patiently. When there’s this info that a woman had to have spoken out 2000 words per day, I immediately think it’s not the rule for me because I hardly talk (now older, it was of course because I don’t have enough friends available to engage in mutual conversations).

It’s easier for me to slip into the world of fiction through reading. I indulge so much time to read; escaping from the lonely reality of my everyday. The more I read, the more I realized that I absorbed so much informations that if I just continue to just read and read without having an outlet for those informations I gathered I’ll be doom.

I need to write to let them out.

The need to write means I’m coming back here and try my best to spare the time writing down thoughts -just so I don’t blow up from the emotions and thoughts kept too long.

*also, writing this in English is me exercising because now I think it’s necessary to be savvy in writing in English the right way. It will open more opportunities isn’t it?

Author: Faraziyya

Ordinary. Nothing Extra.

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