What Makes Me Expecting Books


I know it’s late because actually the time to write a post for Opini Bareng has been opened since January 1st. But it’s still couple hours away from February, so I think I still can hop in. 😀

It’s not going to be a long post because I don’t have much to say. ^^v

And here are the things that makes me expecting a book:

  • The Author

Who’s behind the story is important to me. If I already knew the author, I’ll have extra attention and expecting more from the books. And if it’s my favorite author, I will always have a good expectation.

  • Blurb

It’s a strong point. I’ll take the book when I think the blurb promising something to me.

  • Genre

I am an eclectic reader –at least I’m trying to. But still, I feel comfortable with the genre I usually read, like contemporary romance and historical fiction.

  • Reviews from goodreaders who has similar taste with me

I take their words about the book they have read (and put the books on to-be-read shelf). Not instantly, of course. In the end I’ll go back considering the previous points I’ve mentioned above.

  • When I heard the news that the book is going to be adapted to motion picture.

Yes. I am the kind of reader that will be delighted to read the book version first than go watch the adaptation. Sometimes I will not tolerate myself to read others review about the movie adaptation. As if I have it as a rule –which it is not 100% true because I do watch some movies and try to catch the book later.

  • Hype

This is the least point that makes me expecting a book. I tend to not fully believing bestseller stamp on the book. I don’t know, I’ll feel better to put my expectation in my taste and not the hype. BUT, in some situation, I count on the hype.

Author: Faraziyya

Ordinary. Nothing Extra.

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