
credit: @strudelworte

Quote that I loved, and still:

stay soft, it looks beautiful on you

I love reading, and I guess that’s the reason why I’m writing. But it’s been so long since the last time I wrote, and to start to write again is kind of hard. I’m thinking about writing down my noisy mind but I hesitate can i write it in a right way, can others understand about what I really want to say, and does my writings matter? and because I have a hard time answering that, I ended up not writing anything.

Well, this is me trying. again. (21/08/2021)

101 thoughts on “Penulis”

  1. Bismillah, Assalammualaikum

    Salam Ukhuwah, Syukr0n Ukhti Add Blog Iqra, Insya Allah Ana Link Juga Blog Ukhti, Moga dengan Pererat Ukhuwah mempermudah Dakwah Islamiyyah menuju Falah Wa Fatah, Amin Ya Rahman. Terus Berkarya dengan Ispirasimu -MInadzdzulumaati Ilaan Nuur- Semoga Allah Memberikan Curahan Rahmat kpd Ukhti Dan Keluarga.

    Billahi Fi Sabililhaq,


  2. wa’alaykumussalam..
    salam kenal & ukhuwah juga.
    alhamdulillah, tmn2 handika sudi u/ bkunjung ke site ini.
    ditunggu kunjungan selanjutnya… πŸ™‚


  3. wah,, becareful with your photos.

    byk foto2 akhwat yg telah disalahgunakan oleh org2 tak bertanggung jawab di dunia maya.

    waspadalah,,waspadalah, save it for ur husband. πŸ™‚


  4. afwan,
    iyah. diganti abis ni..
    duhw..jd gg enk ni.
    ya. i should keep it just 4 my husband. just 4 my husband?


    1. ikutan bagaimana ya maksudnya?
      blog di wordpress?
      kan tinggal sign up,

      maaf, saya kurang menangkap maksudnya.


  5. Assalamu’alaykum wr wb

    sekedar berkunjung aja…

    dari judulnya sih cerita2nya menarik, tapi saya lagi ga sempet baca…lain kali berkunjung lagi dah…


  6. Assalamualaikum.
    Saya suka tulisan mbak faraziyya, cuma g bisa lama2 betah baca. Coz themes mbak yang warna hitam, g enak… Coba ganti yang warna putih… hanya saran dari seorang pembaca setia mu πŸ™‚


    1. wa’alaykumussalam.
      saya pilih theme ini karena simple.
      nanti deh, saya cari2 tema yang cocok dgn saya.
      semoga bisa lebih membuat yang lain merasa nyaman.


  7. Assalamualaikum.Saya suka tulisan mbak faraziyya, cuma g bisa lama2 betah baca. Coz themes mbak yang warna hitam, g enak… Coba ganti yang warna putih… hanya saran dari seorang pembaca setia mu


    1. kalo mb dian juga punya blog wordpress, bisa subscribe..
      nanti notif apdet dr blog ini akan sampe ke email mb dian..
      kalo cara lain, sy kurang tw ^^


  8. Salam kenal ya Fara. I’d like to call you with Fara, then calling you with Fauzi. Doesn’t it matter to you? πŸ˜€

    Keep writing though! Been so pleased to have you for visiting the blog. It’s been my pleasure. πŸ˜‰


    1. didn’t i put ‘ziyy’ at the end of my comment? πŸ˜€
      oh whatever, as along as it still in good term.

      its my pleasure too, to have you quickly reply my comment and come here πŸ™‚


      1. Hihi. It seems, for me, it doesn’t go really well if I call you like that.

        Btw, enjoy my tiny house. Sorry for not giving you the most ‘delicious’ thing in my tiny house. πŸ˜›


          1. Some people call me with ‘Penikmat Senja’, but you can call me with anything you want. That doesn’t really matter to me. πŸ˜€


          2. oke. i’ll call you Guh, just Guh.
            though i dont know what it means when it comes to just ‘guh’, i hope its not something bad -.-“


          3. Kinda freaking me out when you call me like that. Haha. But that doesn’t mean it is bad for me. No, no it’s likely.



          4. Actually, it was me who thinks it’s bad for calling you with those nicknames. Should I add, Miss or Ms? πŸ˜›


        1. Ah, tokoh2 minang emg keren2 ya. Buya hamka, buya natsir, hatta, hmm.. Syp lagi? Hhehhe.

          Sy kagum sm Buya Natsir, baca capita selecta beliau (meski ga kelar2) dan baca kumpulan tulisan tokoh lain ttg beliau.
          Trs skrg sdg baca otobiografi Hatta. Tp kalo ttg Buya Hamka, blm baca karya2 beliau, tapi paham kalo beliau juga tokoh islam yg keren ^^d


  9. Salam kenal, mbak
    Maaf mbak, apa saya boleh minta tolong?
    saya ingin sekali menanyai anda beberapa hal mengenai novel Lampuki yang telah Anda baca krn ini berhubungan dengan tesis saya. Bisakah?


    1. ‘Alaykumussalam.

      I bet in some situation, we’ve known each other. And yes, to me, your name was familiar too.

      You know what? The instant I read this comment, I went to your twitter profile and found that you have 10 followers I knew (they’re STANers). So, correct me if i’m wrong, are you Mabeng MEDCEN STAN? If you are, then you must remember that I’m FIndo & Tulad’s friend (Angkatan 12).


      1. Aaah, i see… So we went to the same college, didnt we? Hahaha yes, i know them, but i was not Mabeng Medcen back then πŸ™‚ Findo was my classmate once, and Tulad went to the same institution with me.
        Okay so now we know how we’re both connected. LOL. Nice to know you πŸ™‚


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